
The story of healthcare innovation: RemoTest and Software Sauna

The story of healthcare innovation: Remotest and Software Sauna

The long-lasting alliance between RemoTest and Software Sauna is a perfect example of a successful ongoing nearshore project. Launched in 2019, RemoTest set out to modernize biosignal data management for the Finnish healthcare sector and now, looking into 2025, Sauna and RemoTest are ready to move up a gear and scope for new markets.

Founded in 2019 by its CEO Marko Lähteenmäki, RemoTest embarked on an ambitious journey to innovate within the healthcare app space, led by a singular vision from its founder. As usual for startups, everything didn’t start entirely without challenges, as early enthusiasm varied among the initial development team, leaving the founder to carry out significant, strategic changes for the actual app development process.

During the period of upcoming changes, Lähteenmäki simply started looking for a new partner by googling:

“Then I just started googling and found Sauna. We set up a meeting with Sauna’s CEO Ilkka-Cristian at their Helsinki office, and after acknowledging him as a trustworthy guy, we agreed to start our co-operation.”

Marko Lähteenmäki

As many modern success stories begin, the partnership initiation started from a single online search that led to Software Sauna. Because Lähteenmäki had no programming or system development background, it was the follow-up meeting with key personnel from Software Sauna in Helsinki that convinced him to pursue the collaboration. The credibility, references, and promise demonstrated by Sauna catalyzed a partnership that is still enduring.

Significant progress was made by January 2020 when both teams convened in Zagreb to initiate the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). And already by March 20th, the project was fully operational. The system has been consistently under refinement and development since then. Presently, the collaboration continues with a pair of developers by Sauna, and everything runs smoothly.

Remotest and Software Sauna teams meeting in Zagreb
RemoTest and Software Sauna teams meeting in Zagreb, March 2024

Share the vision, align the goals

At the core of this partnership is a synthesis of technical excellence and entrepreneurial vision. The team at Software Sauna did not merely execute tasks; they embodied the application with a depth of understanding and functionality that aligned perfectly with RemoTest’s business goals.

The RemoTest-Sauna relationship has been characterized by mutual respect and a shared ambition to deliver value beyond basic coding. Software Sauna’s Principal Software Engineer Marko Bjelac, who has been integral to the project from its very start, exemplifies the depth of this partnership, playing a pivotal role in guiding it toward success.

We don’t just buy code, but expertise.

Marko Lähteenmäki

CEO Lähteenmäki recalls: “We don’t just buy code, but expertise. We rely on the developers also to think about what we are doing. During the first years, all planning and technical decisions were made by Marko and his colleagues in Sauna.”

Sights on 2025 expansion

As RemoTest looks towards expansion to new markets in 2025, the partnership’s focus shifts towards scaling, optimization, and stabilization to ensure a robust foundation for growth. The mutual support and energy between the two companies show a partnership ready to last – welcome 2025!

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