6 Common Nearshore Software Development Myths

6 Common Nearshore Software Development Myths

Have you ever wondered why 69% of businesses face challenges due to misconceptions about nearshore software development? You might encounter sticky myths that can impact your idea of outsourcing, but worry no more – the Sauna Mythbusters are here to help. Let’s start busting! Key takeaways Myth 1 – Language and cultural barriers Despite common…

Fintech companies: agile and secure development by nearshoring

Fintech companies: agile and secure development by nearshoring

In the rapidly evolving fintech industry, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to stay ahead of the competition and drive growth. One such solution that has gained traction is nearshore resourcing. With its cost-effectiveness, specialized skills, scalability, and faster time to market, nearshoring has become a game-changer for modern fintech companies. But what exactly is…

The power of nearshore: tackling software development challenges
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The power of nearshore: tackling software development challenges

In the ever-evolving world of software development, businesses constantly face new challenges that demand innovative solutions. Nearshore software development has emerged as a popular working method that addresses these challenges by tapping into the talent and resources of countries at the same or close timezone. In this blog post, we will explore some of the…

Guide to nearshore software development
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Guide to nearshore software development

Domestic software development outsourcing is commonplace, but things get more complicated when some or all of the action is outsourced abroad. This is a fairly common assumption on the subject. Preconceptions or real horror stories of failed overseas ventures are unfortunate. Software Sauna was initially set up precisely to correct this flaw in the market….